Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Degrees & Certificates

Programs of Study

Oklahoma City Community College offers two types of associate degree programs: transfer and technical/occupational. In addition, a number of certificates of mastery are offered in technical and occupational fields of study.

Associate in Applied Science Graduate

  • Educational Guarantee
  • Technical Education Guarantee

If an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) graduate is judged by the initial employer to be lacking in either academic or technical job skills identified as exit competencies by Oklahoma City Community College for the specific degree program, the graduate will be provided up to nine credit hours of additional education at and by Oklahoma City Community College.

Special conditions that apply to the guarantee are as follows:

  1. The graduate must have earned the A.A.S. degree from Oklahoma City Community College after Fall 1995 in a technical program identified in the current College catalog.
  2. The graduate must have completed the A.A.S. degree from Oklahoma City Community College with a majority of the credits for the degree being earned at Oklahoma City Community College. The graduate must have completed the degree within a four-year time span from the date the first coursework applicable to the degree earned was completed through the date degree requirements were completed.
  3. The graduate must be employed full-time in an area directly related to the program of concentration as certified by Oklahoma City Community College.
  4. Employment must commence within twelve months of graduation.
  5. The employer must identify deficiencies and certify in writing, within 90 days of the graduate’s initial employment, that the employee is lacking specific entry-level skills guaranteed by Oklahoma City Community College as part of the degree program.
  6. The employer, graduate, dean, and the appropriate faculty will develop a written educational development plan for the needed education.
  7. Education provided will be limited to nine credit hours related to the identified skill deficiency and to those classes regularly scheduled during the period covered by the educational plan.
  8. All education must be completed within three semesters from the time the educational plan is agreed upon.
  9. The graduate and/or employer is responsible for the cost of books, insurance, uniforms, fees, room and board, tools, and other course-related expenses other than the enrollment fee.
  10. The guarantee does not imply that the graduate will pass any licensing or qualifying examination for a particular career.
  11. Oklahoma City Community College’s sole responsibility for skill deficiencies shall be limited to nine credit hours of education under the conditions described above.
  12. The guarantee process can be initiated by written notification from the employer to Oklahoma City Community College, Vice President for Academic Affairs, 7777 South May Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73159.


Frequently, students want to complete a specified curriculum pattern of fewer than 60 credit hours which will allow them to meet the certification requirements of various state agencies or other external certifying groups. As a result, certificate programs are offered in a number of career areas. To begin a certificate program, students should first contact the Office of Student Success Advising.

Certificate Curriculum Patterns:

Automotive Technology
-Bilingual Banking and Finance
-Vehicle Service Advisor
Child Development
Clinical Research Coordinator
Computer Science
-Computer Networking Support
-Computer Systems Support
-Cyber/Information Security
-Web Design
-Web Development
Computer-Aided Technology
-Computer-Aided Design
-Unmmaned Aerial Systems
Digital Cinema Production
Digital Media Design
-Graphic Design
-Photography/Digital Imaging
Emergency Medical Sciences
-Advanced Emergency Technician
-Emergency Medical Technician (Basic EMT)
Modern Languages
-Spanish Emphasis
Writing and Workplace Communications

Technical/Occupational Programs

A technical/occupational program is designed to prepare a student to enter the world of work after successfully completing the curriculum. After fulfilling the degree requirements, the student is awarded an Associate in Applied Science.

Technical/Occupational Curriculum Patterns

Anesthesia Technology
Automotive Technology
-Automotive Technology Internship Program
-GM Automotive Service Educational Program+
-Accounting/Finance Support Specialist
-Business Management
-General Business
-Vehicle Service Management
Child Development
-Administrator Option
Clinical Research Coordinator
Computer Science
-Computer Programming
-Computer Systems Support
-Cyber/Information Security
-Web Design and Development
Computer-Aided Technology
-Computer Aided Design
-Geographic Information System
-Unmanned Vehicle System
Digital Cinema Production
Digital Media Design
-Graphic Design
-Photography/Digital Imaging
Emergency Medical Sciences +
Engineering Technology*
Medical Assistant*+
Occupational Therapy Assistant+
Physical Therapist Assistant+
Respiratory Care Therapist*+
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant+
Surgical Technology*+

+ Special Admissions Procedures Required.
* Programs with Prior Learning Assessment.

University Parallel/Transfer Programs

Oklahoma City Community College offers a broad range of transfer programs for students planning to continue on at a four-year college or university. Students may enroll in freshman and sophomore courses which lead to a baccalaureate degree in practically any field of study. Upon completion of specified degree requirements, the student is awarded an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science. These degrees require the completion of a minimum of 60 semester credit hours. Of the 60 semester credit hours, a minimum of 37 must satisfy the general education core requirements (see Degree Requirements). The remaining approved courses will be related to the student’s major or courses which directly support that major.

Policy Statement on Undergraduate Degree Requirements and Articulation

In accordance with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Policy Statement on Undergraduate Degree Requirements and Articulation, a student who completes an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science degree at Oklahoma City Community College “may transfer into a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree program at any senior institution of the State System and be assured of completing his or her program in sequential fashion.”

The Policy Statement on Undergraduate Degree Requirements and Articulation assures that the general education core (37 credit hours) of the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree at Oklahoma City Community College will apply directly toward the lower division general education requirements at any state university in Oklahoma. In addition, students are advised to secure the official catalog of the university to which they plan to transfer. Each university’s official catalog provides pertinent information about admission policies and academic programs. That information is essential to the student’s successful transfer to that university. Students should also consult a faculty advisor in their major at Oklahoma City Community College. With approval, the associate degree program may be modified to meet a student’s needs depending on the intended transfer college or university.

Students are encouraged to visit the “Transfer Center” on the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education web site at www.okhighered.org/transfer-students/ This site will assist a student in determining which course or courses will transfer to another Oklahoma college or university.

Transfer guides showing course-by-course articulation between Oklahoma City Community College and a number of state universities are available in the Office of Student Success Advising. By using the appropriate transfer guide, the student can be assured that courses in the student’s major will transfer directly toward the bachelor’s degree.

Articulated transfer agreements between Oklahoma City Community College and four-year institutions are available at the following link: http://www.occc.edu/ca/articulation.html

Oklahoma City Community College has established specific curriculum patterns for transfer programs leading to the Associate in Arts (A.A.) or Associate in Science (A.S.) degrees. The curriculum patterns listed below are presented in the next section of the Catalog.

University Parallel/Transfer Curriculum Patterns

Agriculture, (A.S.)*
Art, Visual Arts, (A.A.)
Biology, (A.S.)
-Biology, (A.S.)
-Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing, (A.S.)
-Pre-Allied Health, (A.S.)
Business, (A.S.)
-General, (A.S.)
Chemistry, (A.S.)
-Chemistry, (A.S.)
-Pre-Dentistry, (A.S.)
-Pre-Medicine, (A.S.)
-Pre-Pharmacy, (A.S.)
Child Development, (A.A.)
Community/Public Health (A.S)
Computer Science, (A.S.)
-Management Information Systems, (A.S.)
-Software Development, (A.S.)
-Computer Science, (A.S.)
Digital Cinema Production, (A.A.)
Diversified Studies, (A.A.)
Diversified Studies, (A.S.)
Pre-Education, (A.S.)
Engineering, (A.S.)
Enterprise Development, (A.A.) or (A.S.)
History, (A.A.)
Humanities, (A.A.)
Journalism & Broadcasting, (A.A.)
-Broadcasting, (A.A.)
-Journalism, (A.A.)
-Public Relations, (A.A.)
Liberal Studies, (A.A.)
Mathematics, (A.S.)
Music, (A.A.)
Modern Languages (A.A.)
-French, (A.A.)
-Spanish, (A.A.)
Physics, (A.S.)
Political Science/Pre-Law, (A.A.)
Psychology, (A.A.)
Sociology, (A.A.)
Speech and Theatre, (A.A.)
-Speech option, (A.A.)
-Theatre option, (A.A.)

*Offered by cooperative agreement with Redlands Community College and conferred by Redlands Community College.

NOTE: Students interested in a field of study not listed may pursue an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree in Diversified Studies which may be tailored to the student’s desired field of study and to the university to which the student plans to transfer.