Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

General Information

History of the College

Oklahoma City Community College: Built for Student Success

Nearly 50 years ago, our founders had a dream to have thousands of students walk through our doors each year. Today, that dream has become reality, making OCCC the fourth largest higher education institution in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma City Community College: Student-Centered and Student-Driven

At Oklahoma City Community College, every day, in every department, our students come first. It’s not just our vision; it’s our mission.

OCCC Student Success Advisors are available to aid in the application and admissions process as well as to lead students to enroll in the classes that will help them achieve their career goals. Likewise, the OCCC Financial Aid department walks students through the student loan, grant, and scholarship opportunities that can ease the stress of paying for a college education.

We realize that our student body is made up of all ages, races, and income levels. That diversity reflects our view that we are here to serve all students.

Some students come to pursue one of our associate degree programs that will prepare them to transfer and continue work toward their bachelor’s degrees. As they approach graduation, OCCC routinely hosts representatives from Oklahoma’s four-year colleges and universities to ease the transition process.

Other OCCC students share the simple hope of learning new skills to help them advance in their career fields. They can do this through our certificate of mastery programs - quick, turn-around programs that get them in the classroom and back to the workforce immediately.

We are proud of the OCCC student-faculty ratio of 23 to 1. That gives our faculty members the opportunity to show each student personal attention, leading to the very best academic outcomes. But it doesn’t stop there.

Oklahoma City Community College faculty members also guide students in building professional networks in their career fields; this can only happen when professors maintain real-world experience in their subject matter and stay connected with businesses and industry in our community. We are proud to say that our professors work diligently not only to teach our students, but to mentor them as well.

In addition, OCCC offers a wide range of community and continuing education courses, workshops, conferences and seminars. We work hard to be a hub of knowledge for Oklahoma City and the surrounding areas.


OCCC provides broad access to learning that empowers students to complete a certificate or degree and that enriches the lives of everyone in our community.

Our Mission Statement describes why we exist and what we do. Traditionally, community colleges have been about providing access. But, it is not enough that students pass through our doors - earning a certificate or degree is what changes lives.

Download our plans:

Renewal, Change, & Innovation 2019-2023

Oklahoma City Community College has experienced remarkable success through the years. Through access, preparation, student and graduate success, and partnering with the community, OCCC continues to aspire to be one of the most significant community colleges in the nation.

Oklahoma City Community College’s new strategic plan, Renewal, Change, & Innovation 2019-2023, was developed as a guide to keep the college on the path to greater significance.

Updates in the new 2019-2023 strategic plan include a new aspiration statement, improving the College’s ENDs to best represent our success factors, and new core indicators designed to monitor every critical component of the College. The 2019-2023 strategic plan supports student success with a renewed emphasis on alternative funding and increased enrollment.

Previous strategic plans were achieved with impressive results, and we expect this will continue as we double our efforts to focus on the mission of OCCC, improve efficiencies, and offer innovative programs and support services. Oklahoma City Community College remains the most affordable and value-added two-year college option for students who would not otherwise have the opportunity for higher learning.

Renewal - Oklahoma City Community College was founded by residents of the area not satisfied with the status quo. They saw a need for educational opportunities for the community and took strong and decisive action to create that opportunity. It is in the spirit of our founders that we must renew our commitment to overcome any obstacle to provide educational opportunities for residents of our community. We must continue the work to propel the College into the next era of excellence.

Change - A tsunami of change continues to sweep across higher education. Students, members of the community, government leaders, and business and industry all demand change. Failure to respond to this demand for change is not an option. What we do, how we do it, and how outcomes are measured must be examined. Policies, practices, and actions not producing desired outcomes must be changed. Change, even desirable change, is often stressful and disruptive. To maximize service to students and the community, OCCC embraces that stress and disruption in the spirit of innovation.

Innovation - Volatility and uncertainty characterize higher education in Oklahoma today. Innovation is needed now more than ever. Innovation is required for OCCC to advance our mission, ensure future viability and success, and achieve our goals. Conducting business in new and innovative ways will assist OCCC in continuing our role as a creative and progressive institution.

Aspiration Statement

Student Success and Community Enrichment

Each of our students is unique-with a unique set of dreams, challenges, and gifts. Teaching and preparing them to their potential is what an OCCC education is all about.

Big Goals

“Big Goals” are not meant to be easy. In fact, if you simply extrapolate existing trends, they may not seem achievable. That is the point. Figuring out how to accomplish “the impossible” often unleashes the creativity of people and organizations. The unattainable becomes a new standard.

  • Triple annual giving and grants to support student scholarships, community events, the endowment, and other College purposes.
  • Close the academic achievement gaps that persist with low-income, first-generation, and minority students.
  • Receive designation as a Hispanic-serving institution from the U.S. Department of Education.

Funding is a challenge. The College is committed to increasing funds that come from non-traditional sources such as donations, grants, and endowments.

Although two of the three Big Goals in our previous strategic plan were achieved, our performance to close academic achievement gaps with underrepresented groups of students fell short. There was progress, including the narrowing of the gap in African-American and first generation students’ success rates, but significant differences remain. For that reason, we have retained the goal in this plan.

Finally, the College wants to strengthen its relationship with the Hispanic community by receiving designation as a Hispanic-serving institution from the U.S. Department of Education. Achieving this distinction will require a significant increase in Hispanic enrollment, but will make OCCC eligible to apply for a Title V grant that will provide funding to support Hispanic students.

Ends Statement

Our ENDs statements describe what success looks like if we were in an ideal world. As such, they are central to our commitment to accountability. The faculty, staff, and the Board of Regents regularly review measures that evaluate the College’s progress in achieving our ENDs. These core indicators are our annual plans that are reported at least once a year.

  • Access: Our community has broad and equitable access to both highly valued certificate and degree programs and non-credit educational opportunities and events.
  • Student Success: Our students successfully complete their academic courses, persist in college, and earn certificates or degrees at OCCC or another institution.
  • Workforce Development: Our graduates earn higher-level degrees or are successful in technical and professional careers.
  • Community Development: Our community’s quality of life is enriched through our educational, artistic and recreational programs and events.


Our values describe the behaviors we exemplify in our work every day. Some, such as Safety, Stewardship, Integrity, and Diversity, are non-negotiable ethical standards all employees should follow.

Others-Students, Accountability, and Innovation-are choices that have deep roots in the College. For instance, when several different approaches to a problem are being considered, the tie-breaking question often is: what is best for students?

  • Students: Fundamental to all that we do
  • Safety: Safe and secure environment for everyone
  • Accountability: Use of evidence to measure performance and to make decisions
  • Stewardship: Wise and efficient use of resources
  • Integrity: Honest, ethical, and respectful to all
  • Innovation: Creative and forward thinking
  • Diversity: Embrace and appreciate the value of differences

Major Initiatives

Complete College OCCC The goal of Complete College OCCC is to increase degrees/certificates by offering new programs and expanding online and hybrid courses.

Workforce Development Center A new workforce development facility will align the College’s academic programs with the changing needs of employers.

Proactive Student Success Interventions Early intervention, streamlining curriculum, and strengthening educational partnerships will increase student success.

Increasing Enrollment Increasing enrollment from the international, nontraditional, and concurrent populations will be crucial to the growth of OCCC.

Enhancing Campus Safety A new Campus Police Headquarters, providing a Crisis Response Center and a Call Center will enhance current services to maintain a safe and secure campus.

New and Increased Revenue and Funding State funding for higher education has declined so other external resources to support the College’s educational offerings will be pursued.

Retaining High Quality Employees With increasing budget constraints, the retention of high quality employees is critical to maintaining a high performing institution.

Online Learning As the College continues to focus on enrollment, online learning plays a key role in providing students with the opportunity to take classes anytime and anywhere, thereby increasing enrollment.

Information Technology Resources: Acceptable Use

Title: Administrative Procedure No. 3058

The purpose of this policy is to promote the responsible, ethical, legal and secure use of Information Technology Resources for the benefit and protection of Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC) and users. Use of these resources shall be consistent with the Mission, Values, policies and procedures of OCCC. The use of OCCC owned, leased or contracted Information Technology Resources is granted as a privilege and not a right. This policy applies to all users of OCCC Information Technology Resources, including but not limited to OCCC students, faculty and adjunct faculty, staff and retirees, as well as library patrons and other guests of OCCC who access or utilize OCCC Information Technology Resources. This policy applies to the use of all Information Technology Resources. Both personal equipment accessing OCCC resources and all equipment and services owned, leased or contracted by OCCC are subject to this policy.

Alumni Association

As a member of the Oklahoma City Community College Association of Alumni and Friends, you’ll share a common bond with over 2,200 others who have chosen to keep a special connection with OCCC and with each other. Stay in touch with friends, faculty, and staff, and keep up with all the happenings at the College that are important to alumni. Association members are invited to attend and enjoy special events and gatherings throughout the year, participate in programs, events, service projects, and other opportunities with current students as well as other alumni. Bolster your professional career and take advantage of networking opportunities and career services offered free of charge to Association of Alumni and Friends members. Join today online at www.occc.edu/alumni or contact the Alumni Office, at 405-682-7591.

Telephone Numbers to Help You

Campus Numbers

  • Main College Number (405) 682-1611
  • Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs (405) 682-7534
  • Admissions, Records, and Graduation (405) 682-7512
  • Bookstore (405) 682-7510
  • Bursar (Student Accounts Receivable) (405) 682-7825
  • Campus Police Department (405) 682-7872
  • Center for Learning and Teaching (405) 682-7838
  • Community Outreach and Education (405) 682-7873
  • Emergency Dial 7872
  • Human Resources (405) 682-7542
  • International Student Services (405) 682-7538
  • Library (405) 682-7564
  • Marketing and Public Relations (405) 682-7590
  • Moodle Tech Support (405) 682-7574
  • Student Success Advising (405) 682-7535
  • Pioneer (Student Newspaper) (405) 682-1611 x 7307
  • Recreation and Fitness (405) 682-7860
  • Recruitment (405) 682-7213
  • en Español (405) 682-OCCC
  • Student Financial Aid Office (405) 682-7525
  • Student Life (405) 682-7523
  • Student Accessibility and Support (405) 682-7520
  • Students Connecting with Mentors for Success (405) 682-1611 x 7652
  • Technical SupportHelpdesk (405) 682-7777
  • Test Center (405) 682-1611 x 7321
  • Testing and Assessment Services (405) 682-7531
  • Theater Ticket Office (405) 682-7579
  • Transfer Center (405) 682-7567
  • TRIO Programs (405) 682-7865
  • Veterans Services (405) 682-7694
  • Welcome Center (405) 682-7553
  • Wellness Center (405) 682-1611 x 7310

Academic Divisions

  • Arts, English, and Humanities (405) 682-7558
  • Business and Information Technology (405) 682-7888
  • Social Sciences (405) 682-7573
  • Health Professions (405) 682-7507
  • Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (405) 682-7508

Location and Facilities

Oklahoma City Community College: A Central Location and So Much More

Oklahoma City Community College sits on 160acres just south of Interstate 240 at 7777 South May Avenue in southwest Oklahoma City, making student access to the campus easy from a number of traffic routes.

Since our humble beginnings in 1972, OCCC has expanded rapidly in order to serve a continuously growing student population.

Here’s a quick look at what our facilities have to offer our students:

Arts and Humanities Center

This building is joined to the Main Building and contains a 300-seat theater as well as the office for the campus newspaper, The Pioneer. It also features three floors of classrooms primarily used for English, Speech, and other language courses.

Campus Police Headquarters

The newest building on Campus opened in the Fall of 2019. The 8,682 square foot facility includes a call center to handle campus phone calls and a crisis response center the college can utilize during an emergency.

Capitol Hill Center

Located in the heart of Oklahoma City’s main Hispanic neighborhood, OCCC’s Capitol Hill Center is a leader in serving the adult education and job readiness needs of the community’s diverse members.

FACE Center

Located just north of OCCC’s main campus, the Family and Community Education Center provides Adult Education and Literacy classes, personal and professional development opportunities, youth programming and early college awareness classes.

Health Professions Center

The Health Professions Center makes OCCC a leader in health technologies and pre-health professional programs.

John Massey Center

The John Massey Center features OCCC’s Finance and Human Resources departments. These departments are the heart of the college, hiring our faculty and staff and keeping us all on track with the funds entrusted to us through student tuition.

Keith Leftwich Memorial Library

The library provides the newest digital and print resources for students, in addition to offering Huddle Stations, group study rooms, and a Meditation Room, as well as computers, printers, and scanners.

Main Building

This is often the first building students walk into and become familiar with. It has the Admissions, Financial Aid, and Academic Advisement departments and so much more. It also contains the College Union, where students can gather and study, and a multitude of classrooms on three floors.

Robert P. Todd Science, Engineering and Math Center

This structure connects to the Main Building and features state-of-the-art labs dedicated to providing our students hands-on experience.

Transportation Technology Center

This building is home to our renowned automotive technology lab. OCCC has automotive technology degree and certificate programs that certify our students in those programs to work in the best automotive facilities and dealerships in the nation.

Visual and Performing Arts Center

The building is to the west of the Arts and Humanities Center. It houses classrooms, labs and studios for art instruction, music, photography and visual arts in addition to a world-class Digital Cinema Production program.

Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater

The VPAC Theater is a cornerstone on the campus and attracts renowned performing artists as well as encourages students to follow their artistic and creative dreams.

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center contains a gymnasium, cardiovascular center, weight room and aerobics rooms.

OCCC Compliance


Oklahoma City Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission which is located at 230 South La Salle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413, Telephone (800) 621-7440, https://www.hlcommission.org/

The College is a member of the American Association of Community Colleges and is also recognized by the federal government to offer education under the veterans and social security laws.

Oklahoma City Community College is authorized by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education located at 655 Research Parkway, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104-3603, Telephone (405) 225-9100, to offer certificate, associate in arts, associate in science, and associate in applied science programs.

Drug Free Schools and Community Act

Oklahoma City Community College is also in compliance with Public law 101-226, the Drug-Free Schools and Community Act Amendments of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. In support of the spirit and intent of these laws, Oklahoma City Community College maintains an alcohol-, tobacco-, and drug-free campus by prohibiting the use of alcohol and/or illicit drugs by students and employees on College property or as part of any College activity and by prohibiting the use of tobacco inside College buildings.

Accreditation Chart

Anesthesia Technology, Health Professions
Approved by Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
Clearwater, FL

Automotive Technology, Business and Information Technology
Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Education Foundation
Leesburg, VA
703-669-6600, 703-669-6650
Start Date: 2005; Renewal: 2024

Child Development, Social Sciences
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Washington, DC
Start Date: 2009; Renewal: 2023

Business, Business and Information Technology
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)
Overland Park, KS
Start Date: 2005; Renewal: 2025

Emergency Medical Sciences, Health Professions
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
Clearwater, FL
Start Date: 1999; Renewal: 2020

Medical Assistant, Prior Learning Assessment Certifications
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
Clearwater, FL
Start Date: 2000; Renewal: 2024

Nursing, Health Professions
Oklahoma Board of Nursing (OBN)
Oklahoma City, OK
Start Date: 1998; Renewal: 2022

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
Atlanta, GA
Start Date: 1998; Renewal: 2022

Occupational Therapy Assistant, Health Professions
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
Bethesda, MD
Start Date: 2002; Renewal: 2022

Physical Therapist Assistant, Health Professions
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)
Alexandria, VA
Start Date: 1984; Renewal: 2028

Respiratory Care Therapist, Health Professions
Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC)
Bedford, TX
Start Date: 2000; Renewal: 2029

Surgical Technology, Prior Learning Assessment Certifications
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
Clearwater, FL
Start Date: 2000; Renewal: 2021

Annual Security Report

The Campus Security Act of 1990 and the Student Right-To-Know Act (PL 101-542) were signed into law by President Bush on November 8, 1990. This federal legislation requires colleges and universities to collect campus crime statistics on specific crimes occurring on college and university campuses. The due date of the first report was September 1, 1992, and a report on campus crime statistics is due each October 1st for reporting incidents occurring during the previous calendar year. This information is published and notifications are sent via email prior to October 1st each year. This email provides a web link for all current students and staff at Oklahoma City Community College to review the Annual Security Report in compliance with the 1990 Campus Security Act and the Student Right-To-Know Act (PL 101-542). Hard copies of the most recent OCCC Annual Security Report are also available at the Campus Police Department (1K8) in the Main Building. You may access this report and associated campus security information and services at www.occc.edu/police/

College Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates

Oklahoma City Community College makes available to any enrolled or prospective student its completion or graduation rate and the transfer-out rate for first time, full-time, degree seeking students. This information is available upon request from Student Affairs, Main Building, first floor or call (405) 682-7584.

The graduation rate for Oklahoma City Community College is also available on the National Center for Educational Statistics website at http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/

Disclosure of Information

Information about student financial assistance programs available at Oklahoma City Community College is available from the Financial Aid Office (405) 682-7525 and the Recruitment and Admissions Office (405) 682-6222. Both offices are located on the first floor of the Main Building. Information about student financial assistance programs is also available in the College Catalog and College Student Handbook. The Financial Aid Office provides information sheets addressing specific topics to help you understand all financial aid application processes, costs of attendance, definitions, and student rights and responsibilities as a recipient of financial assistance. Funding Your Education is available at: studentaid.ed.gov

Veterans who are seeking to use their Veterans Educational Benefits should visit the Veterans Services Office co-located with the Financial Aid Office (405) 682-7694. You may visit the Financial Aid Offices online at occc.edu/financialaid

All students are strongly encouraged to complete the FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid on an annual basis to determine your eligibility for federal and state grants.


Associations, Agencies, Governmental Bodies that Accredit, Approve, or License OCCC and its Programs

Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Retention Rate

Retention Rate of Degree-Seeking and Certificate Students Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates

Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates for First-Time, Full-Time Students Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Student Body Diversity Information about the OCCC Student Body Including Gender and Racial/Ethnic Groups as a Percentage of Enrolled Full-Time Students, and those who Receive Pell Grants

Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Academic Program

Degree and Certificate programs, Instructional Facilities and Faculty

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Articulation Agreements

List of Colleges and Universities Having Signed Agreements with OCCC

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Transfer Credit Policies

Criteria the College Uses to Accept Transfer Credit Earned at Another College or University

Office of Records and Graduation

Information about Students Right to Review Their Educational Records, Directory Information

Records Department
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Information Pertaining to Standards of Conduct and Available Services

Student Accessibility and Support
Vaccination Policies

State and College Policies and Procedures regarding Vaccinations

Recruitment and Admissions
Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities

Information About Available Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities

Student Accessibility and Support
Federal Return of Title IV Program

Federal Title IV Return of Funds Regulation for Withdraw, Never Attended, No Completion

Financial Aid Office
Availability of Student Financial Assistance and Access to Information About Programs

Information About Financial Assistance Programs Available to Students and Prospective Students and Information About Procedures to Access and Retain Eligibility for Assistance

Financial Aid Office

Information About Costs to Attend OCCC Including Direct Costs: Tuition, Fees, Books, and Supplies and Indirect Costs: Room and Board, Transportation, and Personal Expenses

Financial Aid Office
Net Price

Information About the Impact of Financial Assistance in Reducing the Total price Incurred by a Student or family to Attend OCCC

Financial Aid Office
Code of Conduct: Educational Loans

Code of Conduct Statement that Prohibits a Conflict of Interest of an Agent of the College with Respect to Private Education Loans

Financial Aid Office
Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations and Way in Which Student can Regain Eligibility

Notice to Each Student that a Conviction for Possession or Sale of Illegal Drugs During a Period of Enrollment for which the Student Received Federal Title IV Programs Funds Results in Loss of Eligibility. Notice or Way to Regain Eligibility

Financial Aid Office
Gainful Employment

Occupations, Program Costs, Completion, Certificate Programs, Median Loan Debt

Financial Aid Office
Voter Registration Form

Provide Voter registration Form Prior to Federal Elections and State Elections for Governor and Other State Chief Executives to Each Enrolled Students Physically in Attendance

Student Life
Refund Policy

College Refund Policy Based on Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE)

Bursar Office
Textbook Information

Information to be Included on the College Internet Course Schedule used to Register for Courses. The Retail Price and International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for Required and Recommended Textbooks and Supplemental Materials for each Course, if Available

College Bookstore
Information for Crime Victims for Disciplinary Hearings

Written Request Requirements to Disclose Results of Disciplinary Proceedings to an Alleged Victim of a Crime of Violence, or Non-Forcible Sex Offense or to the Victims Family

Student Discipline Officer
Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions File Sharing

Information Pertaining to Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Material, Unauthorized Peer to Peer File Sharing that may Lead to Civil and Criminal Liabilities. College Policies with Respect to Unauthorized Peer to Peer File Sharing Summary of Federal Violation of Copyright Laws


College Policy No. 3058 Information Technology Resources Acceptable Use Policy 3058

College Policy No. 4042 Academic Freedom and Responsibilities Information and Instructional
Technology Services (IITS) Policy 4042

Security Report

Annual Security Report and Emergency Response, Evaluation Procedures, Timely Warnings and Crime Log

Campus Police department
Additional Information

For Additional Information about Oklahoma City Community College from the National Center for Educational Statistics

National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES)
Military Memorandum of Understanding and Principles of Excellence

Information concerning college agreements with the Department of Defense and Veterans Administration

Student Accessibility and Support
405-682-7694 and 7695
Study Abroad Financial Aid Eligibility

Information on establishing eligibility for study abroad semester

Financial Aid Office

Information about certificate and degree programs, completion, career opportunities

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Incentive Compensation

Statement confirming OCCC does not provide financial incentives to College Recruiters based on number of individuals recruited

Director of Recruitment and Admission
Academic and Physical Facilities conducive to the learning environment

Description of classrooms, lab facilities, and technology

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Student Loan Counseling

Borrowers of Direct Student loans must complete entrance and exit counseling at studentloans.gov

Financial Aid Office
Private Loan Information

Students are encouraged to file a FAFSA in order to access federal grants and loans prior to seeking private loans

Financial Aid Office
Rights and Responsibilities of Students Seeking Federal Title IV and Military Education

Summary of Right-to Know- and students responsibilities on a fact sheet, in the catalog and website. Resolving disputes about your student loan

Financial Aid Office
Federal Student Aid Student Loan
Veterans Services

Comprehensive information about services to veterans and service members

Student Accessibility and Support
405-682-7694 and 7695
Filing Complaints Specific complaints should be filed with the source of the complaint. (See college administrative procedure 5035 for directions)
To register a complaint against the college with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, visit the OSRHE website. www.okhighered.org/current-college-students/complaints.shtml