Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Student Information

Complaints of Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Offences

Respectful Educational and Working Environment - Discrimination and Other Harassment

OCCC is committed to providing students, employees, and visitors and educational and working environment free from discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, gender stereotyping, disability, age, military and veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ancestry, disability, genetic information. OCCC does not tolerate prohibited discrimination or harassment in any form. Employees, students, or visitors who believe they have been subjected to prohibited discrimination or harassment in violation of OCCC policy must report the incident to the Director of Equal Opportunity.

College Policy No. 1013 - Respectful Educational and Working Environment - Discrimination and Other Harassment.

Respectful Educational and Working Environment - Sexual misconduct, Discrimination, and Harassment

The College is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all persons who participate in College programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free from all forms of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation. The College condemns discrimination based on sex or gender, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual orientation discrimination, discrimination based on gender identity or expression, and sexual misconduct. Persons who have complaints alleging discrimination/harassment in violation of OCCC policy may file their complaints in writing with the College’s Director of Equal Opportunity/Title IX Coordinator or any Deputy Title IX Coordinator. All students are required to complete Sexual Violence Prevention (Title IX) training annually.

College Policy No. 1012 - Respectful Educational and Working Environment - Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, and Harassment.

The complete policies, including complete definitions, reporting requirements, and investigation and appeal procedures can be found online at http://www.occc.edu/policy/index.html. The Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinators, and Title IX Advocates are identified here.

If you would like more information than is contained in this Handbook regarding any process or procedure, or if you’d like to make a report, ask questions about the Sexual Misconduct Policy, or need to request an accommodation to your class(es) or working arrangements regardless of whether or not you chose to report the crime to law enforcement or campus police, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Carolyn Eastlin, 7777 S. May Ave., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73159, 405-682-7580.

Rights of Complainants and Respondents

Throughout a Title IX Complaint process, both the complainant and the respondent have the following rights to:

  • Appropriate support from the College.
  • Privacy to the extent possible consistent with applicable law and College policy.
  • Information about and receipt of the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy.
  • The presence of an advisor throughout the process
  • Participate or decline to participate in the investigation or any appeal process. However, a decision to refrain from participating in the process either wholly or in part will not prevent the process from proceeding with the information available.
  • Prompt and thorough investigation of the allegations.
  • Adequate time to review documents in the office of the Title IX Coordinator following the investigation.
  • Adequate time to prepare
  • An opportunity to challenge an investigator or hearing panel member for possible conflicts of interest.
  • Refrain from making incriminating statements
  • Be free from retaliation for filing or participating in the investigation of a complaint
  • Appeal the decision made by the Title IX Coordinator
  • Notification in writing of the case resolution, including the outcome of any appeal
  • Report the incident to law enforcement at any time
  • To understand that information collected in the process may be subpoenaed in criminal or civil proceedings

Relevant Definitions

Consent: Under Oklahoma State law, Title 21 §113, The term “consent” means the affirmative, unambiguous and voluntary agreement to engage in a specific sexual activity during a sexual encounter which can be revoked at any time. Consent cannot be given by an individual who is asleep or is mentally or physically incapacitated either through the effect of drugs or alcohol or for any other reason, or is under duress, threat, coercion or force; or inferred under circumstances in which consent is not clear including, but not limited to the absence of an individual saying “no” or “stop”, or the existence of a prior or current relationship or sexual activity.

Therefore, Consent is defined as the act of willingly agreeing to engage in sexual contact or conduct. Individuals who consent to sex must be able to understand what they are doing. Under the OCCC Policy No. 1012, “No” always means “No,” and the absence of “No” may not mean “Yes.”

Consent is informed, knowing and voluntary. Consent is active, not passive. Silence, in and of itself, cannot be interpreted as consent. Consent can be given by words or actions, as long as those words or actions create mutually understandable permission regarding the conditions of sexual activity.

For a more thorough explanation of Consent, see College Policy No. 1012, Section 3.17.

Sexual Assault: Means an offense classified as forcible or non- forcible sex offence under the uniform crime reporting system of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Sexual Assault is defined as any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Sexual activities that fall under this definition include forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.

Domestic Violence: Defined as a felony or misdemeanor crime of violence committed

  • By a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim;
  • By a person with whom the victim shares a child in common;
  • By a person who is cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the victim as a spouse or intimate partner;
  • By a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred;
  • By any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred.

Dating Violence: Defined as violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the Complainant’s statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.

  • For the purposes of this definition, dating violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse.
  • Dating violence does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence.
  • Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery Act reporting

Under Oklahoma State law, Title 21§644, Domestic/Dating Violence is defined as domestic and dating violence as any person who commits an assault and battery against

  • a current or former spouse,
  • a present spouse of a former spouse,
  • a former spouse of a present spouse,
  • parents,
  • a foster parent,
  • a child,
  • a person otherwise related by blood or marriage,
  • a person with whom the defendant is or was in a dating relationship as defined by Section 60.1 of Title 22 of the Oklahoma Statutes,
  • an individual with whom the defendant has had a child,
  • a person who formerly lived in the same household as the defendant, or
  • a person living in the same household as the defendant.

Stalking: Stalking is defined as engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to:

  • Fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or
  • Suffer substantial emotional distress.
  • For the purposes of this definition:
  • Course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property.
  • Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim.
  • Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.
  • Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery Act reporting.

Under Oklahoma State law, the definition of Stalking is: Any person who willfully, maliciously and repeatedly follows or harasses another person in a manner that:

  • Would cause a reasonable person or a member of the immediate family of that person to feel frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested; and
  • Actually causes the person being followed or harassed to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested.

Bystander Intervention: A bystander is someone other than the victim who is present when an act of dating violence, domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault is occurring or when a situation is occurring in which a reasonable person feels as though some protective action is required to prevent sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking. Bystanders, if active, can prevent harm or intervene before a situation gets worse. Examples of active bystander intervention include: not leaving an overly intoxicated person in a bar/party alone, walking a classmate to his/her car after class, calling police when a potentially violent situation is unfolding, not leaving an unconscious person alone (alerting an Advisor, Advocate, campus police, etc.), or intervening when someone is being belittled, degraded or emotionally abused (walking victim away from abuser, contacting others for help, like Counseling Center, Student Life, Dean).

What to do if you have been the victim of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking.

After an incident of sexual assault and domestic violence, the victim should consider seeking medical attention as soon as possible at the designated hospital offering PHYSICAL EVIDENCE RECOVERY KIT COLLECTION/ACCESS TO FORENSIC NURSE EXAMINERS/ SEXUAL ASSAULT NURSE PRACTITIONERS. In Oklahoma City, information about the designated hospital offering these services may be obtained from the YWCA Sexual Assault Hotline, 405-943-RAPE (7273). In Oklahoma, evidence may be collected even if you chose not to make a report to law enforcement.

The Oklahoma City YWCA and OCCC have partnered to provide crisis assistance to our students. Help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. YWCA Sexual Assault Advocates are available to meet with you, in person, on or off-campus. Call (405) 943-7273. These Advocates and Sexual Assault Nurse Practitioners (SANE) nurses are specially trained to collect, preserve properly, and document evidence without re-traumatizing a victim during the process.

It is important that a victim of sexual assault not bathe, douche, smoke, change clothing or clean the bed/linen/area where they were assaulted if the offense occurred within the past 96 hours so that evidence, as may be necessary to the proof of criminal activity, may be preserved. In circumstances of sexual assault, if victims do not opt for forensic evidence collection, health care providers can still treat injuries and take steps to address concerns of pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted disease.

Victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, and dating violence are encouraged to also preserve evidence by saving text messages, instant messages, social networking pages, other communications, and keeping pictures, logs or other copies of documents, if they have any, that would be useful to any OCCC investigators or Campus or local police. Although the College strongly encourages all members of its community to report violations of this policy to law enforcement, it is the victim’s choice whether or not to make such a report and victims have the right to decline involvement with the police.

To report a crime involving a sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, and/or dating violence, contact the OCCC Campus Police Department at 405-682-7872. If you are not sure and need to talk to someone about what you are experiencing, you may contact the Title IX Coordinator, Regina Switzer, at 405-682-7540. The Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator will discuss options and will assist any victim with notifying campus or local police if they so desire. The Oklahoma City Police Department may be reached by calling 911 for emergencies, or (405) 231-2121 for non-emergencies. Additional information about the OCCC Police department, including the College’s Annual Security Report may be found online at: http://www.occc.edu/police/.

Designation of Title IX Coordinators

Any complaint of Sexual Misconduct or other Gender-based Misconduct, including sexual assault, may be directed to the Director Equity and Compliance/Senior Deputy Title IX Coordinator:

Dr. Carolyn Eastlin, Manager of Equity and Compliance/Title IX Coordinator
Oklahoma City Community College (117-JMC)
7777 S. May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73159
carolyn.i.eastlin@occc.edu | (405) 682-7850

Mr. Ashford Perkins, Equity and Compliance Specialist
Oklahoma City Community College (116-JMC)
7777 S. May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73159

OCCC’s Employment and Graduation Coordinator has been designated as a Deputy Title IX Coordinator for complaints against credit students:

Christina Atencio, M.H.R., Employment and Graduation Coordinator
Oklahoma City Community College (1I2C)
7777 S. May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73159
christina.l.atencio@occc.edu | (405) 682-7813

OCCC’s Senior Director of Community Outreach and Education has been designated as a Deputy Title IX Coordinator for complaints related to the Family and Community Education (FACE) Center Campus (6500 S. Land Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73159):

Doralicia Sandoval, M.M. Senior Director of Community Outreach and Education
7777 S. May Ave.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159
doralicia.sandoval@occc.edu | (405) 682-1611 ext. 7755

Pregnant and Parenting Students

Oklahoma City Community College does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy, parenting, or related conditions. Pregnant or parenting students seeking accommodations should notify your professor immediately. For purposes of this notification, “parenting student” means a student who is pregnant or has recently been pregnant, or another student in a parenting role (regardless of gender), who is participating in a pregnancy-related or birth process.

Pregnancy-Related Absences: When a doctor determines absence is necessary, absences will be excused for students who are pregnant or parenting for as long as the student’s doctor determines. Reasonable time will be given to make up missed work.

Title IX Coordinators: OCCC has designated a Title IX coordinator, Dr. Carolyn Eastlin (405-682-7850), and a Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Christina Atencio, (405) 682-7813. Either may be contacted when a pregnant or parenting student needs assistance in understanding or protecting the students’ rights under Title IX.

Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Free College

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act, Oklahoma City Community College would like to provide all Students and Employees with the information below.

The Oklahoma City Community College prohibits the possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property and as part of any activities held by the institution. Oklahoma City Community College makes available to employees and to any enrolled or prospective student information regarding the potential health risks associated with the use or abuse of various categories of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products in a brochure entitled, “Learning about Your Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco-Free Campus.” This brochure also lists possible consequences of possession or use of these substances on College property or at College-sponsored events. Copies of these brochures are made available to students at the Office of Recruitment and Admissions and to employees through an annual distribution within each department.

College Commitment

Administrative Policy No.1015

Oklahoma City Community College recognizes its responsibility to educate the College community about drug, alcohol, and tobacco abuse. In meeting this responsibility, the College provides not only educational opportunities but also assistance through support services. Crisis counseling, referral services, seminar offerings, and health information are available to students. Disciplinary actions will be taken against any student found to be possessing, using, or distributing illicit drugs or alcohol on College property or as part of any College activity. This document lists some of the federal, state and local penalties for drug use and alcohol abuse and the health risks associated with not only drug and alcohol but also tobacco use. College policies concerning penalties for on-campus use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco may be found in the Student Handbook and in the College policies and procedures (College Policy 1014 and Policy 5001, as amended from time to time) which can be accessed through the OCCC website. The following information is provided in compliance with The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101-226).


Students and employees are reminded that local, state and federal laws provide for a variety of legal sanctions and penalties for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. These sanctions include but are not limited to, incarceration and monetary fines. The manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, or possession with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense carries different penalties depending upon the Schedule of the drug at issue.

For Schedule I (e.g., heroin, cocaine, PCP, LSD, fentanyl, marijuana, methamphetamine, “spice”, and GHB) and Schedule II drugs (e.g., morphine, methadone, codeine, oxycodone, opiates and amphetamines), the penalty for the first offense is not less than 5 years nor more than 40 years in prison, with a fine of not more than $2 million.

For Schedule III drugs (e.g., Tylenol #3 and codeine-based cough suppressants, Florinol, anabolic steroids), the penalty is not more than three years in prison, with a fine of not more than $250,000. For Schedule IV drugs (e.g., Valium, oxazepam, chlordiazepoxide, ethchlorvynol), the penalty is not more than five years in prison, with a fine of not more than $250,000.

For Schedule V drugs, (e.g., Terpine Hydrate and Robitussin AC), the penalty is not more than one year in prison, with a fine of not more than $100,000. Regardless of Schedule, enhanced penalties apply to second and later offenses, if death or serious injury results, and to trafficking within 1,000 feet of a school, including colleges and universities (21 U.S.C. §860).

In addition, persons convicted of a controlled substance violation may be denied Federal benefits, such as student loans, grants, contracts and professional and commercial licenses (21 U.S.C. §862(a)). Forfeiture of real and personal property may also apply (21 U.S.C. §853(a)(2) and §889). The offender may also be ineligible to receive or purchase a firearm (18 U.S.C. §922(g)). Oklahoma law provides that any person convicted of distributing, dispensing, or possessing with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense a controlled dangerous substance or a counterfeit substance shall be guilty of a felony.

The penalty varies depending upon the Schedule of the drugs at issue. Schedule, I and II drugs, carry a penalty of not less than five years in prison, with a fine of not more than $100,000. Schedule III and IV carry a penalty of not less than two years nor more than life in prison. Schedule V drugs carry a penalty of not more than five years in prison and with a fine of not more than $20,000. The distribution of imitation controlled substances is a misdemeanor and can carry a penalty of not more than one year in prison with a fine of not more than $1,000. Enhanced penalties apply to second and later offenses, if death or serious injury results, and to trafficking within 1,000 feet of a school, including colleges and universities or in the presence of a child under 12 years of age (63 O.S. §2-402).

It is unlawful for any person under 21 years of age to purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol. Violations are misdemeanors punishable by a fine not to exceed $300 or community service of 30 hours or less, or both. In addition, if the convicted party has an Oklahoma driver’s license, that license shall be revoked for a period of time. If the convicted party does not have an Oklahoma driver’s license, he/she shall be ineligible to obtain a license for a period of time. Any person who provides an underage person with alcohol or allows an underage person to consume alcohol and such action causes great bodily injury or death of a person, shall in addition to any other penalty, be guilty of a felony punishable by prison of not more than 5 years, with a fine of not less than $2,500.00 nor more than $5,000. The local ordinances of Oklahoma City also provide for prohibitions relating to illicit drug use and alcohol. The local ordinances follow state law.

The section of the Student Handbook entitled “Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco-Free College” specifies that students abusing drugs or alcohol and/or violating the Student Conduct Code will be referred to the Vice President for Student Affairs, or designated representative, for disciplinary action. College policies concerning alcohol and drug use on campus are found in the Student Handbook and in the College Policies and Procedures (College Policy No. 1014 and Policy 5001, as amended from time to time) which can be accessed through the OCCC website The College will impose sanctions on employees consistent with federal, state and local law. Additional employee and student sanctions for illicit drug use or alcohol use range from a verbal warning up to and including expulsion, termination from employment, and referral for prosecution for violations of the law.

Currently, state law prohibits smoking in state-owned or operated buildings and vehicles, and within 25 feet of the entrance to any state-owned or operated building. Knowing violation is a misdemeanor punishable by fine. State law as amended in 2010 provides that all property owned and operated by colleges and universities may be designated as tobacco-free, including smoking and smokeless tobacco, with knowing less than $10.00 nor more than $100.00. All tobacco use will be prohibited on property owned or operated by OCCC effective August 1, 2011 as stated in Administrative Policy No. 1015. OCCC will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees.

Health Risks

There are many health risks associated with drug, alcohol, and tobacco use. Some of these risks are:

Alcohol and the Body

Mouth, Larynx, Esophagus

Alcohol irritates the lining of the throat and esophagus. Heavy use of alcohol is associated with cancer of the larynx (voice box).

Stomach and Intestines

Alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach and can result in gastric or duodenal ulcers. In the small intestine, alcohol blocks the absorption of vitamins and minerals
essential for good nutrition.


Most alcohol (95%) is absorbed through the lining of the stomach and small intestines causing irritation to the linings of these organs, slowing circulation, which deprives tissues of oxygen, slowing the ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria and slowing the clotting ability of blood platelets.

Pancreas, Liver, Heart

Alcohol irritates the cells of the pancreas and can lead to hemorrhagic pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can destroy the pancreas and create a lack of insulin. Alcohol inflames and destroys the cells of the liver and causes inflammation of the heart muscle.

Bladder and Kidneys

Alcohol inflames the linings of the bladder. In the kidneys, alcohol causes an increased loss of fluids.

Sex Glands

Swelling of the prostate gland interferes with the ability of the male to perform sexually. It also interferes with the ability of the partners in a sexual relationship to achieve full satisfaction.


Alcohol consumption is the third leading cause of mental retardation in infants. Medical experts now recommend that NO alcohol be consumed during pregnancy.

Brain and Central Nervous System

Alcohol may produce lack of coordination, confusion, disorientation, stupor, anesthesia, coma, and finally death. Even in small amounts, alcohol is especially dangerous when combined with barbiturates, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, sleeping pills, or narcotics. It should not be consumed when taking antihistamines, motion sickness pills, and many other over-the-counter and prescription medications.

Tobacco and the Body

Mouth, Larynx, Esophagus

Smokers have three times as many cavities as nonsmokers. Tobacco, both smoked and smokeless, is the leading cause of cancers of the cheeks, gums, palate, tongue, and lips. Smokers lose their teeth at a rate three times greater than nonsmokers. A one-pack-a-day smoker increases his/her chances of cancer of the esophagus by as much as 500%.

Stomach, Heart

Peptic ulcers are twice as high in smokers as nonsmokers. Nicotine from any source causes secretion of excessive amounts of gastric acids and delays healing of ulcers. Nicotine is a powerful constrictor of small arteries leading to insufficient oxygen supply to the heart and possible heart attacks.

Pancreas, Bladder, Kidneys

Smokers have a 100% increased risk of developing cancer of the pancreas, three times the risk of bladder cancer, and a 50% greater rate of kidney cancer. Carcinogens absorbed from cigarette smoke and smokeless tobacco are concentrated and excreted in the urine. The bladder and the kidneys are in constant contact with these cancer-causing chemicals.

Bronchioles, Lungs

Smoking causes the lungs and bronchioles to be inflamed and congested. Chronic bronchitis predisposes smokers to emphysema, an incurable lung disease. Emphysema is characterized by stretching and breaking of the tiny air sacs of the lungs, making them useless for breathing. Cigarette smokers are ten times more likely to die of lung cancer than nonsmokers.


Smoking more than half of a pack of cigarettes daily is associated with higher incidence of infertility in women. Babies born to women who smoke are lighter and smaller than those born to nonsmokers. This is important because birth weight is a predictor of infant health. Women who take birth control pills and who smoke are at a greater risk for cancer.


Strokes are generally caused by a combination of high blood pressure and smoking and are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Nicotine from any source constricts blood vessels and restricts oxygen supply.

Prescription Medications

A growing trend among recreational drug users is the use and abuse of prescription drugs. Many of these drugs are designed to release small doses of their active ingredients over an extended period of time. Abusers try to find ways to circumvent this time-release process so that they get a massive dose all at once. They may also combine various drugs to get an intense combination of reactions (the “Skittles” method). The danger is that these medications are highly toxic and may be lethal if used inappropriately. Abusers often believe that these drugs are not dangerous because doctors prescribe them. However, when taken in too high a dose or in combination with other drugs, they may be more dangerous than some illegal drugs. Prescription medications should only be used by the person for whom they were prescribed and according to the directions on the package. Use by any other person or in any other manner, is illegal.

Marijuana, Cocaine, Crack Cocaine, and the Body

Eyes, Skin

Marijuana smokers may have inflamed watery eyes and develop wrinkled skin due to irritants present in smoke. Cocaine users have increased sensitivity to light, see fuzzily, see “floaters,” have double vision or image distortion.

Mouth, Larynx, Esophagus

Marijuana contains 50% more tar than tobacco and 400 other identified chemicals. Using 3 - 5 marijuana joints a week equals smoking 16 cigarettes daily. Smoking is associated with gum disease, loss of teeth, cancer of the cheeks, gums, palate, tongue, lips, larynx, and esophagus.


Smoking one marijuana joint may cause increases in heart rate and blood pressure by as much as 50%. Cocaine increases heart rate and blood pressure. Temperature rises and arteries constrict, causing restricted blood flow to the heart and the possibility of a heart attack. Bladder, Kidneys The concentration of tars, carcinogens, and chemicals from marijuana in the kidneys and bladder is associated with cancers in these organs. Cocaine use causes inflammation and breakdown of small and medium arteries in the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Bronchioles, Lungs

Marijuana is a respiratory irritant that causes sore throats and chronic coughs. Use of crack or cocaine may cause the respiratory system to fail.


The gonads, ovaries, and testicles are high-fat organs which absorb and hold more of the active ingredient in marijuana (THC) than most other cells of the body. Males experience lowered testosterone levels, levels essential for the development of secondary male characteristics. Users may experience impotency and infertility, pregnancy complications, and changes in sexual characteristics. Cocaine users have babies addicted at birth.

Brain/Central Nervous System

Marijuana use may result in poor transmission of nerve impulses. The result is impairment of speech, comprehension, memory, and sleep. Cocaine stimulates the central nervous system causing restlessness, tremors, and convulsions. Cocaine alters normal electrical activity of the brain, which can result in seizures or convulsions similar to epilepsy.

Club Drugs and The Body

The term “club drugs” refers to a wide variety of drugs often used at all-night dance parties (raves), nightclubs, and concerts. These drugs have gained popularity due to the misconception that they are less harmful and less addictive than mainstream drugs.

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine)

Street Names: Ecstasy, XTC, E, X, Adam, eccy, clarity, essence, doctor, insight

MDMA affects the brain by destroying serotonin-producing neurons and possibly by interfering with the brain’s ability to use serotonin. This interferes with the brain’s ability to regulate aggression, moods, sexual activity, sleep, and pain sensitivity. MDMA can destroy the brain cells that use dopamine, resulting in motor disturbances similar to those seen in Parkinson’s disease. The drug has stimulant and mildly hallucinogenic effects on users and creates a hyperthermic condition, which may be fatal if left untreated.


Street Names: K, Special K, and Cat Valium

Ketamine produces physical effects similar to phencyclidine (PCP). Use of the drug can cause delirium, amnesia, depression, long-term memory and cognitive difficulties, and fatal respiratory problems. Due to its disassociated effect, it may be used as a date- rape drug.

GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate)

Street Names: Liquid Ecstasy, Soap, Easy Lay, Georgia Home Boy, Grievous Bodily Harm, Liquid X, and Goop

GHB is a central nervous system depressant. Low doses may cause drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, and visual disturbances. Higher doses may cause unconsciousness, seizures, severe respiratory depression, and coma. Because it is easily concealed in drinks, GHB may be used in the commission of sexual assaults because it renders the victim incapable of resisting and may cause memory problems. GBL (Gamma-Butyrolactone)

GBL is synthesized by the body to produce GHB. Ingesting this drug, even in small quantities, may produce a severe physical reaction. GBL increases the effects of alcohol, often causing respiratory distress, seizures, coma, and death.

Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam)

Street Names: Roofies, Rophies, Roopies, Rope, Ropies, Ruffies, Roaches, Roche, Roach-2, Forget-me Pill, Circles, Mexican Valium, and Rib

Rohypnol is most commonly known as a date-rape drug because one of the significant effects of the drug is anterograde amnesia. In addition, Rohypnol often causes decreased blood pressure, drowsiness, visual disturbances, dizziness, confusion, gastrointestinal disturbances, and urinary retention.

LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide)

Street Names: Acid, Boomers, Yellow Sunshines, Cid, Doses, Trips, Blotter, and Window Panes

Use of LSD produces hallucinations, generalized panic and anxiety, confusion, and suspicion. Flashbacks can occur even after the user has stopped taking the drug.


Street Names: Speed, Ice, Chalk, Meth, Crystal, Crank, Fire, and Glass

Methamphetamine, the “poor man’s” cocaine, is a central nervous system stimulant. Use can lead to memory loss, aggressive behavior, violence, psychotic and paranoid behavior, and potential cardiac and neurological damage. Users may suffer a significant loss in the brain’s ability to use dopamine. Injection of the drug can lead to a higher risk of infectious diseases, especially hepatitis, HIV, and AIDS.

PCP (Phencyclidine)

Street Names: Angel Dust, Crystal, Hog, Supergrass, Killer Joints, Ozone, Wack, Embalming Fluid, and Rocket Fuel

PCP is a highly addictive hallucinogen that has anesthetic properties. Users often become agitated, delusional, and irrational while recovering from the drug’s anesthetic effects. Users may become violent and/or suicidal and should not be left alone.

At low to moderate doses, physiological effects of PCP include a slight increase in breathing rate and a more pronounced rise in blood pressure and pulse rate. Respiration becomes shallow, and flushing and profuse sweating occur. Generalized numbness of the extremities and muscular incoordination may also occur. Psychological effects include distinct changes in body awareness, similar to those associated with alcohol intoxication.

Use of PCP among adolescents may interfere with hormones related to normal growth and development as well as with the learning process. At high doses of PCP, there is a drop in blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration. This may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, flicking up and down of the eyes, drooling, loss of balance, and dizziness. High doses of PCP can also cause seizures, coma, and death (though death more often results from accidental injury or suicide during PCP intoxication). Psychological effects at high doses include illusions and hallucinations.

PCP can cause effects that mimic the full range of symptoms of schizophrenia, such as delusions, paranoia, disordered thinking, a sensation of distance from one’s environment, and catatonia. Speech is often sparse and garbled. People who use PCP for long periods report memory loss, difficulties with speech and thinking, depression, weight loss, and mood disorders. These symptoms can persist up to a year after cessation of PCP use. PCP has sedative effects, and interactions with other central nervous system depressants, such as alcohol and benzodiazepines, can lead to coma or accidental overdose.

Use of any “club drug” in combination with other drugs, especially alcohol, may be fatal.

Where to Go for Help

Students in a crisis situation, who need personal counseling, or who need information about drug or alcohol-related problems may request help by contacting the Licensed Counselor in the Office of Student Accessibility and Support at (405) 682-7520. This counselor will provide short-term assistance and referral services. Several agencies in the Oklahoma City area provide drug and alcohol counseling and assistance in overcoming chemical dependency.


Crisis Line *988 (call or text)
Reach Out Referral Hotline * 1-800-522-9054
V/TDD for deaf or hearing-impaired
Drug and Alcohol Referral  * 271-2444
North Care Center * 272-0660
V/TDD for deaf or hearing-impaired
Drug Recovery Community Health * 424-4347
Norman Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center (NADTC) * 321-4880, Ext. 6624
Oklahoma City/County Crisis Intervention Center * 522-8100

The above agencies provide services on a sliding-scale basis.


Veterans Administration Hospital * 270-0501
Alcohol Treatment Program - services are provided on a sliding-scale or at no cost to eligible veterans
Norman Regional Hospital * 307-1000, Ext. 5000
Chemical Dependency Unit - services provided for a fee. Variety of therapies
St. Anthony Hospital * 272-7240
Care Unit - services provided for a fee. Inpatient, outpatient and aftercare program
Alcoholics Anonymous * 524-1100

E-Mail for Students

Due to the increasing reliance and acceptance of electronic communication, e-mail is considered an official means for communication within the OCCC community. Information and Instructional Technology Services will assign each student an official OCCC e-mail address. It is to this official address that OCCC will send e-mail communications. This official assigned address will be the address recorded in the Student Information System. OCCC shall consider the official assigned OCCC student e-mail address as directory information. Because e-mail is an official means for communication within OCCC, OCCC has the right to send communications to students via e-mail and the right to expect that students shall open and read e-mails in a timely fashion.

A student may have official OCCC e-mail electronically redirected to another e-mail address at his or her own risk. If a student wishes to have e-mail redirected from his or her official address to another e-mail address (e.g., @aol.com, @hotmail.com, or other e-mail server), they may do so. However, OCCC will not be responsible for the handling of e-mail by outside vendors and compliance with educational privacy law no longer pertains. Redirecting e-mail does not release a student from the responsibilities associated with communication sent to his or her official e-mail address. Students are expected to check their official e-mail address on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with OCCC communications. OCCC recommends checking e-mail once a week at a minimum in recognition that certain communications may be time-critical.

email.occc.edu • (405) 682-7509

Federal Work-Study Program (FWS)


Work Study (FWS) is a need-based award that allows students to earn wages to help pay for college expenses. FWS is awarded, based on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Most work study positions enable students to develop or enhance work experience in a variety of positions. Some positions allow for direct service to the general public and Oklahoma City Community College students. Typical positions include: receptionist, clerk, tutor, lab assistant.

Contact the Student Life Office (studentlife@occc.edu) for assistance with applying for student jobs. Apply online at www.occcjobs.com.

Employment applications will be reviewed by Human Resources and selected students will be contacted for an interview process. Hired students should provide the hiring supervisor with a copy of the award letter to include with the Personnel Action Form (PAF). The Financial Aid Office reviews all PAFs for FWS eligibility determination.

Human Resources will assist students with the necessary forms to enable students to begin work. All candidates for student employment are required to complete a background check. Instructions for completing a background check will be sent to the student’s college email.

Continued eligibility and departmental authorization to work are evaluated each semester. FWS award amounts may be adjusted, based upon increased or decreased amount of need.

Student employees may work a maximum of 25 hours per week. Student employees are paid biweekly, at a starting wage of $8.40 per hour. Continued employment will depend on funds available, performance, and Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress.

A limited number of off-campus public and/or private non-profit organizations offer employment to eligible students for off-campus tutoring and other community service
positions. Students interested in off-campus positions in non-profit organizations should contact the Financial Aid Office.

www.occc.edu/financialaid/FCWS.html • (405) 682-7525

Student Temporary Employment Program

Human Resources offers program oversight and assistance to currently enrolled students in securing jobs to meet financial needs and to provide job experience. Campus-based job opportunities include Student non-Work Study and Federal Work Study. Student employees serve in many departments and perform a myriad of duties vital to the success of OCCC. Even more important, research shows that employment is a primary factor in student retention and success. Part-time work experience can also be a significant factor in development of work ethics and career choice. To apply for positions, students should logon to www.occcjobs.com. For more information or assistance, contact Human Resources at (405) 682-7542.

www.occcjobs.com • (405) 682-7542

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a program that provides academic support to students through the use of students who have demonstrated excellence in a particular course. SI student leaders are employed by the College to sit in on a class with their former professor and then to hold structured study sessions at other times during the week.

www.occc.edu/SI/ • (405) 682-7389

Name and Address Changes

Name and address changes may be submitted in person or in writing to the Records and Graduation Office. Name changes require verifying documentation, such as a marriage license, divorce decree or driver’s license. Additionally, address changes may be requested through My OCCC student portal by going to the Address Change option listed. Please know that any communication from the college that is mailed to the name and address on record is considered to have been properly delivered and, therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure the most current name and address has been submitted to the Records and Graduation Office.

www.occc.edu/records/ • (405) 682-7512

Release of Academic Information

Academic information for each student is on file in the Office of Records. It will be released to third parties only upon the written request of the student or in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Official transcripts may be obtained in person on request at no charge. Students may also request and receive letters of good standing, verification of enrollment and other academic documentation. For further information, contact the Office of Records and Graduation Services.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy ACT (FERPA)

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that permits students certain rights with respect to their education records. A student’s rights under FERPA include the following:

  • The right to inspect and review education records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access. Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriated official, a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The College Official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the College Official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  • The right to request the amendment of education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. Students may ask the College to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. A student who wishes to ask the College to amend a record should write the College Official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the college decides not to amend the record as requested, the College will notify the student in writing of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  • The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records. Students may authorize disclosure of educational records to a designated person, such as a spouse or family member, by submitting an Authorization to Release form to the office of the Records and Registrar.
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Complaints must be submitted by written letter within 180 days of the date in which an alleged violation of educational privacy rights occurred, or within 180 days in which the complainant knew or reasonably knew of the violation. Complaints should be sent to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-5920.

Definition of Educational Record

An “educational record” is defined as a record related to a student and that is maintained by an educational institution or a party acting for or on behalf of the institution. Educational records include but are not limited to grades, transcripts, class lists, scholarship application information, student course schedules, student financial information, and student discipline files.

Educational records do not include sole possession documents (such as personal notes created by individual faculty/staff as a memory aid); law enforcement records; employment records that exclusively relate to an individual’s employment capacity and not their student status; medical records; and records including information created after an individual is no longer a student at that institution (such as alumni records).

Disclosure of Educational Records Without Prior Consent

Subject to specific requirements of FERPA, OCCC may disclose student educational records without prior consent:

  • To “School Officials” who have a “legitimate educational interest.” A school official is defined as a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using College employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, information technology contractor, consultant, or collection agent); a person serving on the Oklahoma State Board of Regents or the Oklahoma City Community College Board of Regents; or a designated volunteer, student, or non- employee designated to serve as a school official with a legitimate educational interest, such as in service to disciplinary or grievance committees, or in assisting other school officials in performing their tasks. School Officials are generally considered to a have a “legitimate educational interest” if they need to review an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibilities for the College.
  • To transfer schools in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
  • To specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes
  • To appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student.
  • To organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school.
  • To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions.
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena.
  • To appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies.
  • To other individuals and entities when specifically permitted by FERPA.

Directory Information

Oklahoma City Community College may provide “directory information” in accordance with the provisions of FERPA. Directory information is defined as that information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Designated directory information at Oklahoma City Community College includes the following:

  • Name
  • Address (defined as City and State or Country of Residence)
  • Phone number
  • College email address
  • Major field of study and degree program
  • Dates of attendance (defined as first and last date of term),
  • Grade level, enrollment status (full-time or part-time),
  • Participation in officially recognized activities or sports, degrees, honors and awards received,
  • Educational institution most recently attended before admission to OCCC.

Requests to Block Release of Directory Information

Students may block the public disclosure of directory information by notifying the Office of Records and Registrar in writing at any time. A non-disclosure block will require Oklahoma City Community College to refrain from releasing any or all directory information both while the student is active at OCCC and once the student has left the college until lifted. While a non-disclosure block is in effect, OCCC will consequently refuse requests for directory information.

Oklahoma City Community College accepts no responsibility to contact students regarding directory information requests and assumes no liability as a result of honoring a student’s instructions that directory information be withheld. The non-disclosure block will only be lifted when the student has submitted a written request to remove it from his or her record.

Student Complaint and Grievance

Administrative Procedure No. 5035

Purpose and Definition

  • The purpose of the student complaint policy is to provide equitable and orderly processes to resolve complaints by students against College personnel.
  • A student complaint is defined as a difference or dispute between a student and a member of the College staff related to services rendered.
  • A student complaint may be raised to the level of grievance if both of the following conditions exist.
    • The complaint is unresolved at the informal level, and
    • The complaint involves an action that has been taken against a student by College personnel that misrepresents a policy or procedure.
  • The student complaint policy does not cover matters covered through other college policies and procedures, including, but not limited to: sexual misconduct, discrimination, academic suspension, final course grades, late withdraw, academic dishonesty, student conduct and appeal of tuition and fees, late charges and finance charges.
  • For further information on how to file a Student Complaint and/or Grievance, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at 405.682.7584.


State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement

Oklahoma resident students who feel that OCCC did not satisfactorily address their complain/grievance may contact the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education: https://okhighered.org/current-college-students/complaints/.  Higher Learning Commission complaint submission info:  https://www.hlcommission.org/Students-Communities/complaints.html


Students living out-of-state who are attending OCCC by distance education who feel that OCCC did not satisfactorily address their complaint/grievance may contact the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education through this link: https://okhighered.org/admin-fac/sara/#sara-complaints. More information about SARA student complaints can be found here: https://www.nc-sara.org/student-complaints 

Student Conduct

The purpose of the Student Conduct process is to promote, engage, and hold students accountable to the standards and core values of Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC). The Student Conduct Code and associated processes provide students with the knowledge of their rights, responsibilities, and options of resources at OCCC. Furthermore, the Student Conduct process offers optional avenues to students, faculty, and staff to address, report, receive support, and/or dispute any incidents of misconduct which would hinder or interfere with the educational process or safety of the OCCC community. For further information about the Student Conduct process, please visit the Student Conduct website at https://www.occc.edu/studentconduct/ and/or call the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at 405.682.7584.

Administrative Procedure No. 5076

Student I.D. Cards

All new students enrolled in credit classes must have a photo identification card made at no additional cost in the Admissions, Records, and Graduation Office, located in the lobby of the Main Building. The I.D. card is needed for admission to the Test Center, the Academic Support Labs, the Library, and other student facilities and activities. It is a mobile permanent ID. If requesting a physical ID card, there will be a $10 charge.


www.occc.edu/records/decals.html • (405) 682-7512

Student Safety

Campus Police Department

The Campus Police Department is located southeast of the Main Building near the intersection of SW 81 Street and South May Avenue, and staffed continuously twenty-four (24) hours a day, every day of the year. The Campus Police Department has the responsibility to provide a college environment that is both safe and secure. The Campus Police Department is the immediate point of contact to report criminal behavior or for any other emergency on campus. The department officers are Basic Life Support qualified and manage the College’s traffic and parking operations, which includes ensuring compliance with state laws and college rules for parking and traffic flow. Routine services provided by the Campus Police Department include motorist assistance and parking lot escorts when requested.

The Campus Security Act of 1990 and the Student Right-to-Know Act (PL 101-542) was signed into law by President George Bush on November 8, 1990. This federal legislation requires colleges and universities to collect statistics on specific crimes occurring on college and university campuses. The Clery Annual Security Report is easily located on the Campus Police web page (www.occc.edu/police). If desired, a printed copy of the Annual Safety Report is available upon request in the Campus Police Department.


www.occc.edu/police/ • (405) 682-7872

All accidents on campus should be reported to the Campus Police Department. Campus Police Department personnel will dispatch Emergency Medical Services if necessary and completes a report on all vehicle accidents. The Campus Police Department will also assist involved parties in exchanging driver, vehicle and insurance information. Instances of leaving the scene of an accident without complying with state requirements are investigated by the Campus Police. Proof of Financial Responsibility is required for all drivers operating a vehicle on campus property.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Certain college coursework may have the potential of exposing students, to some degree, to bloodborne pathogens. The particular college courses that may present the potential for exposure to bloodborne pathogens have been identified in the Course Descriptions area of the College Catalog. The following is some general information concerning bloodborne pathogens.

Bloodborne pathogens are viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms that are “borne” (carried) in a person’s bloodstream or body fluids and can cause disease.

If a person is exposed (comes in contact with) to blood or body fluids infected with a bloodborne pathogen, the person may become infected.

OCCC has implemented various means of decreasing the potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Some of the ways that potential exposure has been decreased are by engineering controls, safe laboratory work practices, and the required wearing of personal protective devices. Also, OCCC promotes and encourages the practice of “Universal Precautions,” when applicable. Universal Precautions means treating everyone’s blood and certain other body fluids as infectious at all times.

Those students who are enrolled in class coursework that may have a potential of being, to some degree, exposed to bloodborne pathogens may choose to consult their personal physician for advisement concerning the additional protection provided by taking the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) vaccine. The HBV vaccine provides protection against the Bloodborne Pathogen - Hepatitis B virus.

The HBV vaccine is given in a series of shots (usually three over a six-month period of time). A person must take all three shots for the vaccine to be the most effective. Please note that if a student chooses to take the HBV vaccine series, the cost of the vaccine is the responsibility of the student.

Copies of OCCC’s Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan are available in the Office of Risk Management. The Exposure Control Plan provides detailed information on the prevention and control of exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

Emergencies on Campus

Any emergency should be handled by dialing College extension 7872 or by pressing the emergency button on any college phone, or using the emergency call boxes located at most building exits and in the parking lots for assistance. The OCCC Shield smartphone application is available for iOS and android devices and can also be used to contact the Campus Police Department. Dialing 911 connects callers with Oklahoma City Emergency Services. This may delay the arrival of assistance for several minutes as OCCC Campus Police Officers are unaware of your need for assistance.

Emergency Messages to Students (Individual Specific)

www.occc.edu/can/ • (405) 682-7872

Oklahoma City Community College has no central paging system or any other way to easily deliver messages to students. Emergency messages, however, will be delivered by staff from the Campus Police Department. “Emergency messages” are defined as those having to do with the health or safety of a student or a student’s family member. In order to request the delivery of such a message, the requester should contact the Campus Police Department Office. Once the staff member has determined the nature of the emergency, the message will be taken in written form. The staff person will then determine the student’s schedule and deliver the message to the appropriate class. If the student is not on campus and the message is not delivered, the staff member will attempt to make a return call to the requester with information that the message was not delivered. The Welcome Center may be contacted by dialing 682-7553.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Persons with Disabilities

www.occc.edu/support/EmergencyProcedures.html • (405) 682-7872

  1. Persons in wheelchairs on the buildings’ upper levels that have no direct exit other than stairs will evacuate to a stairwell marked “safe refuge.” An emergency phone is at each location to contact the Campus Police Department. Campus Police personnel and/or Oklahoma City Fire or Police personnel will provide safe departure from those locations.
  2. Students with a visual impairment should be escorted to the exit or safe refuge.
  3. Students with a hearing loss should respond to visual alerts and exit if no interpreter is present.


Emergency fire exits, manual fire alarm stations and fire extinguishers are provided throughout the campus. These fire safety devices are clearly marked and you should become familiar with their locations. Should a fire occur:

  • Activate the manual alarm system. Manual alarm stations are at most exits.
  • Dial College extension 7872 or by pressing the emergency button on any college phone or call box and notify the police dispatcher of the location and severity of the fire.
  • Evacuate the building.

Health Emergencies

The College’s Basic Life Support system is designed to provide immediate emergency medical care to persons on campus. Should a medical emergency arise, dial College extension 7872, utilize the OCCC Shield smart phone application or press the emergency button on any college phone or call box, give the location of the emergency and, if possible, the nature of the emergency. The police dispatcher will then dispatch an officer and contact appropriate outside agencies for emergency medical assistance.

Lost and Found

www.occc.edu/police/Crimeprevention.html • (405) 682-7872

The Campus Police Department is the designated holder of lost and found property. Found items should be immediately turned over to an OCCC employee, reported to the Campus Police Department or brought to the Campus Police Department. Unclaimed lost and found items will be disposed of after six (6) months as authorized by State Statute. Lunch boxes and water bottles are only held for 24 hours before disposal. Any unclaimed property held for a period of six (6) months will be disposed of as allowed by State Statute.

Reporting Crimes

Crime victims are encouraged to report all incidents of criminal behavior to the Campus Police immediately. To report a crime, a victim or witness should depress the emergency button on any campus phone, dial 682-7872 from any phone, use emergency phones inside most building entrances, or the emergency call boxes located in the parking lots. Any OCCC employee is available to assist you in contacting the Campus Police Department. An officer will be dispatched to meet the victim or witness to complete an incident report. The victim may request a copy of the report 24 hours after the incident.

Campus Crime - The Campus Police Department continuously works to reduce crime and prevent criminal activity on campus. Some of the more notable efforts are:

  • 24-hour preventive security patrol of college facilities and grounds.
  • Crime prevention tips discussed with students at New Student Orientation.
  • Surveillance video employed in high risk areas to help prevent incidents before they occur.
  • Motorist assistance is provided on campus
  • Individual escort to or from vehicles is available on request.

Campus Police Department - The Campus Police Department offers the following tips for personal safety and property security on the college campus:

  • Report all incidents and losses to Campus Police Department.
  • Do not trust individuals unknown to you.
  • Avoid giving personal information to any person on campus, especially a solicitor.
  • Allowing a strange person to use your cell phone may compromise your personal information.
  • Do not hesitate to call Campus Police Department if confronted by suspicious persons or find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.
  • At night, when possible, walk in groups of at least two in the college parking lots
  • Be aware of your surroundings and of what is occurring around you; walk with confidence.
  • When parked on campus, remove valuables from plain sight; lock your vehicle.
  • Do not leave personal items such as books, book bags, brief cases, etc., unattended on campus.
  • Make copies of credit cards and other valuables in your billfold or wallet.
  • Write your name and student identification number in several places in textbooks.
  • Lock your bicycle in the bicycle rack.
  • Use a working lock on lockers in the gym and pool areas.
  • Obey all traffic laws when entering or leaving campus.

Smoking Policy

Title: Administrative Procedure No. 1015
Oklahoma City Community College maintains a “Tobacco Free” campus.

The use of tobacco in any form is prohibited by Policy 1015 “Tobacco Free Environment” in all campus buildings and on all campus grounds. The use of tobacco on campus is also a violation of State Law (Title 21 Ch. 50 Sec. 1247) and subject to a fine upon conviction of $10.00 to $100.00. The use of vaporizers or E-Cigarettes are also prohibited on all campus property.

Storm Shelter Warning

Title: Administrative Procedure No. 3048

The Board of Regents of Oklahoma City Community College does not approve the college buildings as a shelter against a tornado or high winds. However, plans are in place to provide maximum possible protection for persons in the building during school hours. The Campus Police Department staff monitors weather conditions and will notify college administrative personnel of hazardous weather conditions.

Weapon Free Campus

Title: Administrative Procedure No. 1016

Oklahoma City Community College maintains a “Weapon Free” campus. The possession (except as specifically authorized or as otherwise required by the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act), use and display of weapons of all types at all times on OCCC property and during OCCC activities, trips or events is prohibited by Policy No. 1016 “Weapon-Free Environment.” This Policy applies to all OCCC employees, students and visitors, except authorized peace officers, regardless of whether an individual has a valid license to carry a Firearm under the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act.

Anyone who suspects another individual of possessing, using or displaying a Weapon in violation of this Policy should immediately notify the Campus Police Department. Anyone who violates this Policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including separation from employment, dismissal, expulsion, or immediate removal from OCCC Property. Discipline authorized by this Policy is independent of and in addition to any criminal or civil sanctions which may be sought pursuant to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act and other statutes.

Weather Delays or Cancellations

www.occc.edu/can/procedures.html • (405) 682-1611

During inclement weather, a decision to delay or cancel classes will be made as soon as practical but generally no later than 6 a.m. for day classes and 2 p.m. for evening classes. Area radio and television stations will be notified when classes are cancelled. Closings will also be posted on the college website (www.occc.edu), Facebook (www.facebook.com/OTripleC), Twitter (www. twitter.com/OTripleC) and the campus alerts Twitter account (www.twitter.com/OCCCAlerts). The college will also use the newly implemented Emergency Notification System. Information about this system may be found at www.occc.edu/can/.

Supervision of Children

Title: Administrative Procedure No. 5029

Persons who are too young to be admitted to Oklahoma City Community College are required to be under the supervision of a responsible adult at all times while on campus. Students are not allowed to bring children to class. The officer on duty should be notified if unattended children are observed or if poorly supervised children interfere with the educational process. Adult students who are responsible for disruptive children may be subject to disciplinary procedures.